We are open and ready to serve you! To provide more support after the storm we've extended hours this Saturday, January 25 at the following locations: Nine Mile, Milton, and Atmore from 9-12 CST; Mahan and Crawfordville from 10-1 EST. For more details, please visit GoGulfWinds.com/branches. We look forward to seeing you! 

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Schedule of Fees

Personal and Business Accounts

At Gulf Winds, we strive to provide our members with transparency on the fees associated with their personal and business accounts while keeping them as low as possible. Review the schedule of fees of our accounts below.

Schedule of Fees & Charges effective as of August 2, 2021.

Account Research Fee $25.00 per hour
Non-Proprietary ATM Transaction Fees
Cash Withdrawals $1.00 per transaction
Balance Inquiries and Transfers $0.25 per transaction
Cashier’s Check Fee/Third Party Check Withdrawal Fee $3.00 per item
Check Cashing Fee (Waived based on CU relationship) $2.00 per item
Check Copy Fee $3.00 per copy
Check Printing Fee Varies
Coin Machine Fee - Members 3% of amount
Coin Machine Fee - Non-members 3% of amount
Collection Item Fee $15.00 per item
Debit Card Fedex Fee $25.00
Collection Item Return Fee $18.00 per item
Document Copy Fee $2.00 per copy
Dormant Account Fee (more info) $10.00 per month
Escheat Fee $50.00
Instant Issue Debit Card Fee $10.00
Levy & Garnishment Processing Fee $125.00 per occurrence
MyOpportunity Checking Share Draft $10.95 per month
Overdraft Privilege Fee $29.50 per item
Returned Item NSF Fee (Non-Sufficient Funds) $30.00 per item
Primary Share Account Closure Fee (waived for Accounts open in excess of 60 days) $10.00 per occurrence
Checking Account Reconciliation Fee (applies to 2nd & subsequent requests) $25.00 per occurrence
Rejoin Fee (waived for members rejoining after 12 months) $25.00
Reopen Share Draft Account Closed by Gulf Winds $25.00 per occurrence
Returned Deposit Fee $10.00 per item
Returned Deposit Fee for Item To & From Same Member $20.00 per item
Returned Item Fee $30.00 per item
Returned Mail Fee $10.00 per item
Safe Deposit Box Fees
Rental - 3x5 $20.00 per year
Rental - 3x10 $40.00 per year
Rental - 5x5 $30.00 per year
Rental - 5x10 $60.00 per year
Rental - 10x10 $80.00 per year
Forced Entry Actual Cost
Statement Copy Fee $3.00 per copy
Bill Payment Stop Payment Fee $15.00 per item
Stop Payment Fee $30.00 per item

Temporary Checks

4 checks for $3.00

VISA Debit Card Replacement Fee

$5.00 per card

VISA Credit Card Rush Fee

$15.00 per card
VISA Foreign Transaction Fee* 1% of transaction
Wire Transfer Fees
Outgoing $20.00
Incoming $10.00


*Foreign Transactions include internet transactions made in the U.S., but with a merchant who processes the transaction in a foreign country.

Schedule of Fees & Charges effective as of August 15, 2020.

Account Research $25.00 per hour
Non-Proprietary ATM Transaction Fees
Cash Withdrawals $1.00 per transaction
Balance Inquiries and Transfers $0.25 per transaction
Business Share Account Closure Fee (waived for Accounts open in excess of 60 days) $10.00 per occurrence
Business Share Draft Account Reconciliation Fee $25.00 per occurrence
Cashier’s Check Fee/Third Party Check Fee $3.00 per item
Check Cashing Fee $2.00 per item
Check Copy Fee $3.00 per copy
Coin Machine Fee - Members 3% of amount
Coin Machine Fee - Non-members 3% of amount
Collection Item Fee $15.00 per item
Collection Item Return Fee $18.00 per item
Debit Card Fedex Fee $25.00
Document Copy Fee $2.00 per copy
Dormant Account Fee (more info) $10.00 per month
Escheat Fee $50.00
Instant Issue Debit Card Fee $10.00
Levy & Garnishment Processing Fee $125.00 per occurrence
Overdraft Privilege Fee $29.50 per item
Returned Item NSF Fee (Non-Sufficient Funds) $30.00 per item
Rejoin Fee (waived for members rejoining after 12 months) $25.00
Reopen Business Share Draft Account Closed by Gulf Winds $25.00 per occurrence
Returned Deposit Fee $10.00 per item
Returned Deposit Fee for Item To & From Same Member $20.00 per item
Returned Item Fee  $30.00 per item
Returned Mail Fee $10.00 per item
Statement Copy Fee $3.00 per copy
Stop Payment Fee $30.00 per item
Temporary Checks 4 checks for $3.00
VISA Debit Card Replacement Fee $5.00 per card
VISA Credit Card Rush Fee $15.00 per card
VISA Foreign Transaction Fee* 1% of transaction
Wire Transfer Fees
Outgoing $20.00
Incoming $10.00
Business Checking Fees
Business Checking Maintenance Fee1 $10.00 per month
Transaction Fees1 $0.10 per item, after 75 each month
Check order Charge Varies
Deposit Fees
Cash Deposits2 $0.0025 per $100.00 for each deposit
Coin Deposits3 4.00% of each deposit


1 Waived for approved non-profit organizations with verifiable IRS non-profit status, or if daily balance is at least $500.
2 Waived for deposits that do not exceed $10,000.
3 Waived for deposits that do not exceed $100.

*Foreign Transactions include internet transactions made in the U.S., but with a merchant who processes the transaction in a foreign country.

Dormant Account Fee

Dormant accounts will incur a fee of $10 per month until the dormant status is removed. We notify account holders via phone and mail of dormant accounts. Dormant accounts have less than a total of $300 on deposit in share and term share accounts, with no member transactions for 12 consecutive months. Transactions include deposits, withdrawals, or transfers.

If you know your account has been inactive for the past year, please consider visiting one of our 13 convenient branch locations and make a deposit, withdrawal, or transfer to avoid this fee. Please contact our Contact Center at 1.800.650.6328 to further discuss a dormant account or if you have additional questions.

Accounts will be assessed the "Overdraft Privilege Fee (Standard or Extended Coverage) for handling each overdraft created by checks, ACH transactions (automatic debits), recurring debit card transactions, online bill pay items, On-Us Items Cashed by Non-Members, and everyday debit card transactions. An overdrawn balance must be repaid within 32 days. We may not pay items under your Overdraft Privilege if you do not maintain your account in good standing by bringing your account to a positive balance within every thirty-two (32) day period for a minimum of 24 hours, if you default on any loan or other obligation to us or if your account is subject to any legal or administrative order or levy. 

An NSF Return Fee is assessed each time an item is presented against insuffiecient funds. Any item (check, ACH, or other electronic transaction) that is initially returned to the payee because the Available Balance in your account was not sufficient to cover the item can be represented by the payee for payment multiple times, which is beyond our control. We will charge an overdraft or return item fee regardless of the number of times an item is presented to us for payment against insufficient funds, and regardless of whether we pay or return the item.